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DNA testing during pregnancy?

Publicado el: 04/08/2024

During pregnancy, numerous medical tests are carried out to confirm the health of the mother and the foetus, as well as to confirm that the foetus is developing perfectly. Genetic tests can also be carried out to detect any abnormalities or illnesses in the future baby.

All you need to do is go to a gynaecology or reproductive medicine centre that will extract the foetal cells using the correct procedure: chorionic biopsy or amniocentesis. Both are carried out in the least aggressive and invasive way possible. However, there is a minimal risk, around 0.5%, of triggering a spontaneous abortion, with amniocentesis being the safest way to take samples. Therefore, make sure that you really want to take a DNA test during pregnancy. Aware of this small risk, the main advice is to choose a genetic analysis laboratory that offers the greatest precision and that works according to a rigorous and strict method.

In the first trimester, a chorionic biopsy can be performed to study the chromosomes of the fetus.

In the second trimester, tests such as alpha-fetoprotein, the O’Sullivan test, cordocentesis, amniocentesis, photoendoscopy or Doppler are performed, which are responsible for detecting any possible anomaly, disease or malformation that the fetus may have.

At LabGenetics we have the best professionals and medical equipment to perform each of the genetic tests during pregnancy. We have a network of collaborating centers, so we can inform you of the closest one. In any case, if you have a trusted clinic, you can go there, take your samples and leave the task of coordinating with them in our hands. Once we receive the samples, we will work with them to obtain the result. Contact us for additional information Can a DNA test be performed safely during pregnancy? Only at LabGenetics.


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LabGenetics offers a comprehensive, personalized, and flexible genetic diagnostic service tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, continuously introducing new genetic diagnoses of hereditary and rare diseases into its service portfolio. Our goal is to establish close collaborations to achieve accurate and suitable results for each case as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Additionally, we have pioneering professionals in performing DNA paternity and maternity tests, both informational and with legal validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.

We also conduct kinship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage studies, Y chromosome for paternal lineage studies, and complex kinship studies using autosomal STRs, genetic footprints, biological fluid detection, and biological criminalistics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.