In LabGenetics we have pioneering professionals in the performance of DNA tests for biological research of paternity and maternity, kinship tests such as grandparents, mitochondrial DNA for the study of maternal lineage, Y chromosome for the study of paternal lineage and study of complex kinship by autosomal STRs.
We also perform genetic fingerprinting, detection of biological fluids, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for people affected by irregular adoptions or abduction of newborns.
This positions us as one of the reference centers in the field of Forensic Genetics at European level. The results provided are reliable and of high quality, complying with all the technical and methodological requirements necessary to achieve accreditation under the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for Forensic Genetics tests.
Paternity Tests
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We have pioneering professionals in conducting DNA tests for paternity and maternity, both informative and with judicial validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.
We also perform relationship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for studying maternal lineage, Y chromosome for studying paternal lineage, and complex relationship studies using autosomal STRs. Additionally, we offer genetic fingerprinting, biological fluid detection, biological forensics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.