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At LabGenetics we offer more than 500 panels per exome, for which we have selected clinically relevant genes with known association to different pathologies. These panels have been designed and updated based on the most recent and relevant scientific information, thus allowing us to perform genetic studies with higher diagnostic performance and specificity, minimizing accidental findings unrelated to the patient’s phenotype and improving differential diagnosis. We have the latest technology in our field, with the use of the latest generation sequencers (NextSeq1000), obtaining a coverage of over 99% in most panels, and an average depth >300x, performing simultaneous sequencing and detection of copy number variations (CNVs – deletions and duplications). In addition to sample analysis, we also perform variant interpretation in accordance with international guidelines, and issue complete genetic reports, including clinical and biological interpretation of the variants detected, updated bibliographic references and a specific section on Genetic Counseling, focused on both patients and family members.

What we offer in LabGenetics

  • More than 500 gene panels associated with different pathologies.
  • Customized panel design adapted to the customer’s needs.
  • Average depth >300x and greater than 99% coverage on most panels.
  • Detection of SNVs, InDels and CNVs by capture probes (coding region +/- 5 bp).
  • Interpretation of variants and issuance of genetic reports.
  • Possibility of reanalysis.

Explore here the panels according to medical specialties:

Request information

LabGenetics offers a comprehensive genetic diagnostic service, personalized, flexible to the requirements of health professionals, and continuously introduces new genetic diagnostics of hereditary and rare diseases in its portfolio of services. Our goal is to establish close collaborations that allow us to obtain accurate and appropriate results for each case, as quickly and economically as possible.