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Prenatal diagnosis techniques

Publicado el: 04/08/2024

During pregnancy, it is possible to perform several genetic tests on the fetus to check or detect any type of abnormality or malformation that could affect the health or development of the fetus. These prenatal diagnostic techniques, carried out in genetic laboratories specialising in this type of testing, can be invasive or non-invasive. That is, they may or may not require a physical introduction into the fetal environment, depending on the type of prenatal diagnosis to be carried out.

Currently, there are different prenatal diagnostic techniques. Each of them is intended to identify a trait or symptom that could lead to an abnormality, disease or deformity of the fetus or, simply, to ensure its correct development.

The most common invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques are: tissue biopsy, embryofetoscopy, funiculocentesis, amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy.

On the other hand, the non-invasive prenatal diagnostic techniques most commonly used in laboratories are the following: ultrasound and Doppler.

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the development and growth of the fetus to ensure its health and that of the mother. Therefore, in addition to scheduled visits to the doctor and gynecological check-ups, it is advisable to undergo this type of prenatal diagnostic tests to rule out malformations or other abnormalities that could affect the health of the fetus.

Would you like more information about the different prenatal diagnostic techniques? At LabGenetics we have the most advanced prenatal diagnostic systems. In addition, we advise and inform you about the details of the different tests so that you can choose the one that is really most appropriate for your case, and we accompany you in the process until the results are obtained. Contact us for more information.


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LabGenetics offers a comprehensive, personalized, and flexible genetic diagnostic service tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, continuously introducing new genetic diagnoses of hereditary and rare diseases into its service portfolio. Our goal is to establish close collaborations to achieve accurate and suitable results for each case as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Additionally, we have pioneering professionals in performing DNA paternity and maternity tests, both informational and with legal validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.

We also conduct kinship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage studies, Y chromosome for paternal lineage studies, and complex kinship studies using autosomal STRs, genetic footprints, biological fluid detection, and biological criminalistics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.