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Tests during pregnancy: schedule and characteristics

Publicado el: 05/02/2023

Throughout the entire gestation period, numerous tests, both genetic and medical, are conducted during pregnancy to confirm its proper development as well as the health of the mother and baby. These types of tests are aimed at checking the development and growth of the embryo and detecting any anomalies or malformations that could result in a health problem or disease for the future baby.

Depending on the week or trimester of pregnancy, different tests are performed. These are the most important and common ones carried out in each of the three trimesters:

First Trimester:

In addition to regular ultrasounds and medical and gynecological check-ups to ensure the pregnancy is progressing correctly, other types of tests are also conducted in the first trimester, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) to study the fetus’s chromosomes, and blood and urine tests to detect any risks that could affect both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Second Trimester:

In this second trimester, routine medical and gynecological consultations continue, along with weight monitoring and new blood and urine tests. Additionally, this trimester includes other tests such as alpha-fetoprotein, the O’Sullivan test, cordocentesis, amniocentesis, photoendoscopy, or Doppler. All these tests are designed to detect any possible anomalies, diseases, or malformations that the fetus might present.

Third Trimester:

In the last trimester of pregnancy, along with the necessary ultrasounds and tests, other specific tests are conducted, such as fetal monitoring or vaginal culture.

At LabGenetics, we have the best professionals and medical equipment for conducting each of these tests during pregnancy. Contact us for additional information or to make any other inquiries. In the following link, you can find more information about the tests conducted during pregnancy at our genetic laboratory.


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LabGenetics offers a comprehensive, personalized, and flexible genetic diagnostic service tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, continuously introducing new genetic diagnoses of hereditary and rare diseases into its service portfolio. Our goal is to establish close collaborations to achieve accurate and suitable results for each case as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Additionally, we have pioneering professionals in performing DNA paternity and maternity tests, both informational and with legal validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.

We also conduct kinship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage studies, Y chromosome for paternal lineage studies, and complex kinship studies using autosomal STRs, genetic footprints, biological fluid detection, and biological criminalistics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.