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The importance of a correct sibling test

Publicado el: 04/08/2024

The appearance of a brother or stepbrother about whom we had no information is not a story that is only typical of movies. Just as it is not the case that someone locates their biological family after many years or that it is necessary to verify that someone shares a mother with another person. Life takes many turns, and the stories and family intricacies that may exist throughout it cannot leave us without the ability to react. In these cases, you must therefore be prepared to carry out a sibling test.

Surely the performance of this type of genetic test is necessary for a judicial process or related to some family inheritance. The starting point will then be to find a sibling test that can be verified as valid proof in a registry or a court of Justice and that, logically, offers results of the maximum possible accuracy.

A complex analysis

We must start from the premise that a sibling test is a complex test. First, because it depends enormously on the circumstances to be analysed. If two people share a father, if they share a mother, if they share both… depending on what needs to be found out, the way of proceeding and the type of evidence that will need to be extracted and analysed can vary enormously; you have to have very clear ideas before making a decision on such a delicate subject.

Thus, the most important thing is to contact a genetics laboratory that can offer the appropriate advice when carrying out this sibling test. For this, the best option is LabGenetics, a centre equipped with the latest technology and the best qualified professionals that is capable of obtaining results with unparalleled reliability in a short time. All this, while maintaining the utmost respect for the privacy and anonymity of all our clients. If you need advice on performing these tests, contact LabGenetics and we will get to work helping you.


Request information

LabGenetics offers a comprehensive, personalized, and flexible genetic diagnostic service tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, continuously introducing new genetic diagnoses of hereditary and rare diseases into its service portfolio. Our goal is to establish close collaborations to achieve accurate and suitable results for each case as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Additionally, we have pioneering professionals in performing DNA paternity and maternity tests, both informational and with legal validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.

We also conduct kinship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage studies, Y chromosome for paternal lineage studies, and complex kinship studies using autosomal STRs, genetic footprints, biological fluid detection, and biological criminalistics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.