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Where can I get a DNA test?

Publicado el: 04/08/2024

Genetic tests are a necessity that can arise at any unexpected moment in our lives. You probably know the place or area you need to go to if you want to carry out a banking transaction, furnish your home, buy a hardware product or buy a piece of clothing, but the vast majority of us do not know where to find a clinical analysis laboratory. Today we want to resolve your doubts about <strong>where you can do a DNA test</strong>. Technical and technological advances have made it possible for you to do a DNA test <strong>in your own home</strong>, without having to come to our facilities. The main genetic laboratories, such as <strong>LabGenetics</strong>, already offer a home genetic testing service, through which you can take your own tissue samples with a <strong>personalized kit</strong> that we will send you by post anonymously. Now that you know where you can do the DNA test, we continue to explain that once your genetic sample has been taken, it <strong>must be sent to our laboratories</strong>, where we will soon check with the highest technology in the sector what is the question that you want to solve with our services.
<h2>A wide network of collaborating centers</h2>
However, there are certain tests that require the <strong>taking of samples by a specialized person</strong>, such as blood extractions that not all of us know how to perform safely and correctly. For these cases, <strong>LabGenetics</strong> has a <strong>network of specialized collaborating centers</strong>. Ask us where you can do a DNA test and we will show you the place closest to your home. We will make sure that your samples arrive properly at our laboratory. Where can I do a DNA test? <strong>We cannot make it easier for you</strong>. If you have more questions, we are at your disposal to resolve them, at LabGenetics.


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LabGenetics offers a comprehensive, personalized, and flexible genetic diagnostic service tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals, continuously introducing new genetic diagnoses of hereditary and rare diseases into its service portfolio. Our goal is to establish close collaborations to achieve accurate and suitable results for each case as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Additionally, we have pioneering professionals in performing DNA paternity and maternity tests, both informational and with legal validity, as well as prenatal and postmortem tests.

We also conduct kinship tests such as grandparentage, mitochondrial DNA for maternal lineage studies, Y chromosome for paternal lineage studies, and complex kinship studies using autosomal STRs, genetic footprints, biological fluid detection, and biological criminalistics, ancestry studies, and DNA tests for individuals affected by irregular adoptions or newborn abductions.